About Our Church

Moncton First Church of the Nazarene is a part of the Canada Atlantic District of the Church of the Nazarene. There are 16 Nazarene congregations in Atlantic Canada. The Nazarene denomination is a worldwide fellowship of Holiness churches.
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Rev. Patti Rossiter

Rev. Patti Rossiter

Lead Pastor

Rev. Patti Rossiter and her husband Charlie Rossiter have been in ministry for 30 years.  Patti has been the lead pastor here for the past 6 years.  With a team of volunteers, she is able to lead a church with a healthy Youth and kids programing, as well as a wonderful Seniors program, who meet regularly. She is passionate about teaching the word of God and leading the congregation in worship.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I give a cash donation online?

We have an email set up for email transfers: moncton1stnazarene@gmail.com  We also can have automatic tithes set up, contact Kathy Yomans for more information.

Can anyone attend your services?

Yes! All are welcome.

What ages is your Super Kids program?

Super Kids is for ages 5 through grade 6.

What age is the Youth progam for?

Youth Group is for grades 7-12.